Does Office 365 keep its promises?

The verdict from people who know

The end of June marks the launch of Microsoft's biggest cloud initiative so far: Office 365. Some of you will have been playing with the beta, some of you will have it scheduled for the future, and some of you will see it implemented over your dead bodies.

Whatever you think about Office 365 - or if you're looking for an informed opinion so you can be the centre of attention in the pub - we're the first to give you practical help.

Hard on the heels of the Office 365 launch we invited Penman Designs, who have been implementing Office 365 at a large retailer since the end of 2010 - to tell us what works, what needs more work and what work you have to do to migrate. They're joined by Dave Vile of Freeform Dynamics who tells us about the new category of utility SaaS, and why he thinks that's where the cloud hype becomes reality.

So If you want to go beyond the marketing waffle and find out whether Office 365 keeps its promises, watch this free event which is now available on demand here.