Watermelon metrics

When green really means red, improve your service monitoring

Are you measuring your IT services using watermelon metrics? They are green on the outside, but red on the inside.

When your monitoring dashboard is a sea of green, but the phones are ringing and the directors are on your back, you have a watermelon problem. Your users just expect your services to work, regardless of how complex and interdependent the back end apps, servers, networking and storage are.

More accurate monitoring of the components of your service won't fix your watermelon problem, but smarter monitoring systems will ensure that the metrics you measure are the ones that your users experience.

On August 8th we had a webcast with CA Technologies’ Patrick Ancipink and Freeform Dynamics’ analyst Andy ding ding Buss demonstrating ways to spot, diagnose and fix your watermelon metrics, before your users fix you.

This free Regcast is now available on demand here. So if you are experiencing such watermelon pains; tune in at your leisure and see how these experts' experiences compare and could aid solve your watermelon aches.