Virtual application networking

The key to dynamic IT

If you're implementing a private or a hybrid cloud, then your network fabric needs a refit. You've virtualised your servers - but even in a mostly static environment, traffic patterns have changed. Add the flexibility of a dynamic IT infrastructure, and you need a network that can reconfigure instantly as loads move.

In this environment, software defined networking makes sense. But the road to a more open and capable management layer is a long one that will be hard to travel. That is why we organised a Regcast as a sort of televisual satnav. Acting as your guides for this journey-based metaphor which, like your network fabric, is getting a bit haphazard and overstretched, was Freeform Dynamics' Andy Buss, HP's Eugene Berger and Trevor Kelly. The Reg's Tim Phillips was there signposting the, um, signposts.

This Regcast is now available on demand here.