The DC you have to the DC you need

Get out of your network rut

Your data centres are stuck in a rut. While 90 per cent have had an upgrade in the last three years, the data centre you have isn’t the data centre you want.

If you want to build for tomorrow, you shouldn't start from here.

The hidden problem is the invisible glue: your network. It was hell to set up. It’s difficult to change, You maybe don’t have the skills. Reg readers tell us that many of your networks have hardly changed since the day they were installed.

But now you need flexibility and the ability to scale up and down. And you can't start from scratch. How do you solve the problem practically? Do you rip and replace, or can you network the data centre you need from the data centre you already have?

The Register's Tim Phillips is joined by Tony Lock from Freeform Dynamics,alongside Brocade’s invisible glue specialists Marcus Jewell and Julian Starr, to discuss the infrastructure your changing network needs, and how to achieve it.

Watch the on demand version of this webcast here.