Nurturing a productive data team

How to grow data teams from infancy to maturity

Published May 2017

Big data has attracted a massive amount of attention from the media and pundits today, both with regards to general use cases as well as its specific applications in every industry from art to transportation.

In response to this recent focus, businesses have decided to dive head first into data science in an attempt to make sense of all the data they’re collecting. They’re increasingly hiring staff and assembling teams whose roles are specifically centred around making use of the company’s data.

The key to developing a data team that is able to thrive is understanding data team maturity. This whitepaper will walk through each of the stages of a data team and the characteristics of teams at this stage: infantile, juvenile, adolescent, mature, and senior. Specifically, it will also address the steps and milestones required to progress from one stage to the next.