Contact Centre Buyer's Guide 2018

Connecting With The Connected Customer

Published October 2018


How a company engages with customers is an important aspect of its marketing mix and the right approach will often increase sales and conversion rates as well as engender greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The emergence of new technologies as well as enhancements to existing ones have created an environment where customers have come to expect several touch points with an organisation. Armed with the latest smartphones, customers increasingly demand the most flexible, convenient and ‘always on’ types of customer contact.

Customers no longer consider that a company’s contact centre sits separately to its phone system, its customer database, website and social media profiles. Many businesses now operate in a multi-connected world where these important touch point must blend and interact.

As a result, the role and importance of the omnichannel customer contact centre has elevated to unprecedented levels and many companies have found themselves reviewing their entire approach to customer engagement in a bid to be the best. Crucially it has become important to understand how customers wish to engage with and interact with a business so that the most appropriate omnichannel strategy can be devised and implemented.