Protect and Optimize Containerized Apps

Agile platforms need agile protection

Published November 2019


Container platforms such as Kubernetes and RedHat OpenShift combine with agile development methodologies to speed up application development and deployment. By allowing developers to break applications up into smaller components (also known as microservices), containers can help reduce dependencies, allow component-level scaling, and encourage rapid release lifecycles.

However, containerized apps can still be exposed to application-layer vulnerabilities, denial-of-service attacks, and the impacts of client-side network latency. This means they still need app delivery and security services such as web application firewalls, TCP optimization, and protocol gateways.

But a traditional solution with a static configuration changed only by an IT operator conflicts with the agile container paradigm where new microservice containers might be created dynamically for just a few minutes to service a spike in demand or roll out an upgrade by simply replacing old containers with new ones. How do you ensure that your app services deployments keep up with your rapid release cycles in containerized environments?