Russian Federation Cybersecurity Profile

To defend against Russian cyber adversaries, one must first understand the Russian Federation and the ways it operates

Published February 2020


The Russian Federation is well-known for its aggressive cyber-strategy. Motivations for its attacks are deeply intertwined with Russia’s social, economic, political, and even historic climate.

The culmination of these factors is a highly motivated and technologically sophisticated nation. In order for cyber defenders to adequately prepare for Russian adversaries at the individual, organized-crime, and government level, they must understand how the Russian Federation tactically operates and why they strategically choose to do so.

This research report from Anomali Labs provides a thorough examination of the Russian Federation, including:

  • Current Political, Economic, and Security Landscape
  • National Cyber Strategy
  • Russian-Based Organized Crime
  • Civil Society and Discontents
  • Future Concerns: Elections, Balkans, Central Europe, U.S.