Increased Velocity with Better Control

Software delivery that’s reliable and efficient, as well as fast


When you’re under pressure to deploy at pace, it’s hard to think: how can we do this better? But you know that, in a world in which regulatory pressure, cost control and security threats are constant worries, the way you deliver software needs to change. You also know that one day there will be a security breach or a stability problem, and someone will have to audit that code.

There are two strategic responses to this challenge. You can either hope that, when there is a problem, it’s somebody else’s job to sort it out. Or, you can upgrade and streamline your approach to software delivery today.

If you’re up for the challenge, join Martin Reynolds from software delivery experts Harness. He’s talking to the Reg’s Tim Phillips about how to build fast and ship frequently while upgrading the quality of software deployments. In our Regcast, we will discuss:

  • The challenges of software delivery, and what gets in the way of change
  • Can you achieve velocity, quality, efficiency, and governance?
  • How to make the change without slowing down delivery