Securing Your Cloud Starts by Understanding It

Meaningful response to cloud cyber-threats


Today’s multi-cloud environments introduce complexity and gaps in visibility that open doors for attackers. Cloud is dynamic, so these blind spots are constantly changing. Cloud is scalable, so a minor misconfiguration can lead to a large security incident.

When every cloud is different, a one-size-fits-all approach to cloud security will fail to adapt to the nuances of an individual environment. So can you harness the complexity of the cloud instead, using AI to learn and understand your environment and how to protect it? That’s what Nabil Zoldjalali of Darktrace believes, and he will be joining the Reg’s Tim Phillips to explain how you can implement effective detection and response to secure your cloud environment. You will hear:

  • Create real-time understanding of the cloud environment
  • Recognise what’s normal in your cloud — and what isn’t
  • Autonomous response to threats