Public cloud, private cloud or on-premise: host it how you want it

Business management solution

Published March 2016

Whether you‘re thinking of updating your entry-level software, planning to replace a legacy solution that no longer meets your requirements, or going for your first-ever enterprise solution implementation, chances are your search for ‘what is right for your business’ has left you feeling you can’t see the wood for the trees.

You‘re now at a point where you have to make a tough decision – upgrade your in-house system, replace your old solution with a new one or take everything to the cloud? Some vendors might insist that a Business Management Solution (BMS) has to be accessed on-demand through the internet to be effective while others might argue that it has to be implemented on-site to generate the best results.

The truth however is the only essential criterion for any BMS implementation is that it has to be right for your business. It should be flexible enough to mould and adapt according to your business needs and requirements, rather than the other way around. After all, if a solution limits your flexibility and growth from the start due to its constraints, how can it adapt to meet your future needs?